Author Archive for Veritas

Expedition: Sand Island

Sand Island9.14.2023 – 9.17.2023Island, Columbia River, Oregon45.5562° N, 122.2001° W Team: VK, JK, JK, KK, CK, AK, MK, LH, NH Expedition Notes: Site discovered by K. family during scouting adventureA long-awaited Falls Society camp reunionFast as heck doggo do a zoom on waterDevil stickers attack the party Raccoons thieves ambush camp!Camp coffee shopA little man in the riverThrillhouse arrives in…

Fantasy Fiction: Two New Recruits

Part of a series of fiction concerning a Falls Society D&D game.  See more here.     Tibalt piqued Poc Domino’s interest right away. It’s not often one runs into a Half ­Fiend, especially in this part of the Known Seas. Although, now that he considered it, Domino had recruited a lot of half breeds recently.   ***   Two…

Fort Awsome

Fort Awsome 8.10.2018 – 8.11.2018 Tillamook National Forest, Oregon 45.53.6799, -123.539003 Team: KK, CK, AK, MK, CM, VK, JK, LM Expedition Notes: Impending doom in the forecast MK’s first camping trip Camp Oopy Doopy clear cut A friendly camp guide NPC suggested Jordan Creek to the first wave of explorers Fort Awsome founded Team JK&L followed a trail of notes…


Nice night for a walk.

Expedition: Merlin Lake Day

Merlin Lake Day 7.17.2016 Lake Merwin, Washington 45.962598, -122.544166 (approx) Team: KK, CK, AK, VK, JK, SL, ML, AL KK is the red haired girl, CK is Laverne, the girl who gets molested by Randy while she’s asleep. CK & JK venture out early in search of provisions, VK & KK were thankful. Team traveled to Merlin Lake, saw horse…