There’s no more rubbing dirt on a wound. Instead it’s gallons of Purell. There’s no more sunflower seeds. Instead you gotta stay hydrated with sports drinks. There’s no more giving it your all and leaving it out on the field. Instead you take it home with a trophy. A participation trophy. I used to have a Snickers after a game…
Sports & Leisure
A Dying Cubs Fan’s Last Request
The late great Steve Goodman and a song that rings more true with each passing year that the Cubs don’t make/win the World Series. The line about the last time the Cubs won the National Pennant was when we dropped the bomb on Japan, still true today, 30+ years after this song was written. Cubs haven’t won the World Series since 1908. With the Cubs out of the playoffs, my fellow faithful can lament: “There’s always next century.”
The Fight of the Century
With so much focus on today’s BIG FIGHT between Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and Manny Pacquiao, I thought I’d take a minute to recognize another fight that’s going on. The TRUE fight of the century. It’s the fight between me and that goddamn bird that keeps waking me up at two o’clock in the goddamn morning. Hey bird- WTF?? Why are…
Pain and Loathing in Arizona
When the team you dislike more than any other plays your favorite team in the Super Bowl, it is going to hurt if your team loses. It is going to really hurt if they lose because of a mistake and a terrible play call. And it will really really hurt watching your franchise quarterback throw a pick to another no name…
A Falls Society Original Game : Camp Blood
Camp Blood is a Falls Society original game production. All rights reserved. *** “Did you know a young boy drowned the year before those two others were killed? The counselors weren’t paying any attention… They were making love while that young boy drowned. His name was Jason. I was working the day that it happened. Preparing meals… here. I was…