The Falls Society educates, studies, and discusses what it means to be from the Northwest of the North American continent—and beyond.

Oregon has gone through many changes. Claimed as, British, Canadian, and American, Russian and Spanish, not to mention the various native cultures in the area. However, it was not until the winter of 1842 that a group was put together in order to discuss what it meant to be someone in the region. By extension this meant political, artistic, scientific, and historic promotion and study. The Falls Society has historically been known by several names. As Hubert Howe Bancroft and Frances Fuller Victor noted, “no two authorities call the institution by the same name.” The Oregon Lyceum, The Falls Association, The Pioneer Lyceum and and Literary Club, and several others are names that have served this institution.

Expedition: Sand Island

Sand Island9.14.2023 – 9.17.2023Island, Columbia River, Oregon45.5562° N, 122.2001° W Team: VK, JK, JK, KK, CK, AK, MK, LH, NH Expedition Notes: Site discovered by K. family during scouting adventureA long-awaited Falls Society camp reunionFast as heck doggo do a zoom on waterDevil stickers attack the party Raccoons thieves ambush camp!Camp coffee shopA little man in the riverThrillhouse arrives in…

Fantasy Fiction: Two New Recruits

Part of a series of fiction concerning a Falls Society D&D game.  See more here.     Tibalt piqued Poc Domino’s interest right away. It’s not often one runs into a Half ­Fiend, especially in this part of the Known Seas. Although, now that he considered it, Domino had recruited a lot of half breeds recently.   ***   Two…

Fort Awsome

Fort Awsome 8.10.2018 – 8.11.2018 Tillamook National Forest, Oregon 45.53.6799, -123.539003 Team: KK, CK, AK, MK, CM, VK, JK, LM Expedition Notes: Impending doom in the forecast MK’s first camping trip Camp Oopy Doopy clear cut A friendly camp guide NPC suggested Jordan Creek to the first wave of explorers Fort Awsome founded Team JK&L followed a trail of notes…