Camp Oopy Doopy, Tillamook State Forest
45.638125, -123.552828
Team: VK, JK, CK, KK, JS
Expedition Notes:
First encounter: impatient red neck in red pickup.
Pit stop in Forest Grove for morning BJs.
Game “Post Mortem” created and play-tested.
Team implements the best tarping that history has ever witnessed!
No rain!
Three oopy doopies found in the nick of time.
World renowned wood sculptor KK produces a breathtaking abstract piece.
First public performance of “The Culvert” by CV receives rave reviews.
Limited injuries include: VK cut herself with knife twice, trying to start a fire the ‘old fashioned way’ and CK burned on skillet.
Important Quotes:
“I’ll be your huckleberry.”
“Let’s get this party started!”
“Gimme all you got!”
“I need a good hard fax.”
Image from The Falls Society Archive